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Number Typing Lessons 101

The typing practice lessons on this page is designed to take you through all the main number keys and finger positons on the number pad to the right of the keyboard. The number pad keys are generally a faster methods of entering numbers than those on the top row of a standard keyboard.

keyboard layout Each lesson works upon the previous lessons and it is advised that you work in that order. But because the aim of TopTypingTest is to help you practice as much as possible above all else, there is no fixed format. You are free to choose whichever sets of numbers to learn first at your own speed and time. The lessons are designed to get you comfortable at moving across keys as well as returning to the Home key.

Number Pad - Finger Positions

keypad finger positions Like the character keys on the main keyboard, there is also a Home position and fingering positions for the number keypad. In this case, the Home key is the number 5 key (which also has a raised dimple on it). This key would correspond to your middle finger (R3).

So the Home row for the number pad are: 4, 5, 6 corresponding to fingers R2, R3, R4. The little finger (R5) would control the Enter/Return key and the thumb (R1) would be positioned over the 0 key.

NOTE: If you have a left-handed keyboard where the the number keypad is on the left, then the finger positions would be reversed with the key sequences remaining the same.

As the numbers are laid out in straight columns, the movements of the fingers are now more intuitive.

  • The Thumb (R1) types the 0 key
  • The Index finger (R2) types key 1 4 7
  • The Middle finger (R3) types key 2 5 8 / [*]
  • The Fourth finger (R4) types key . 3 6 9 [* - +]
  • The Little finger (R5) types the Enter/Return
Finally, what we are left with are the Operator keys (/ * - +). If we follow the same pattern, then the middle finger (R3) should control the divide key (/) and the fourth finger controls the others (* - +). But some people prefer to use the Middle finger to control the multiply key (*) as it's easier to reach with that finger. At this point, i would just say, go with what you feel more comfortable and easier to use!