0Words per Min (WPM)
0Chars per Min (CPM)
0Total Words
0Total Characters
0Average Word Length
0Keys Errored
0Total Mistakes

How About Another Online Typing Test?

There are many sites on the Internet which provides one minute typing tests. They all simulate a timed Words-per-Minutes (WPM) test whereby you try to type as many words as possible within the time limit as it counts down. On TopTypingTest we have a number of timed settings of 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 minute periods. Each timed WPM test will put you under slight pressure to simulate exam conditions. Learn to relax, try not to hold your breath! You will find that your muscles work more faster when your shoulders, wrists and fingers are relaxed.

The tests are word based, seprated by spaces (so don't forget to use them!). If you happen to type really fast, the text will shift according to your speed.

The World Record typing speed for short selective text is 290 WPM!

Getting Test Certifications

As good as many websites are at providing online typing tests and a printable certificates after each test. The reality is that most online certificates are not considered valid unless apart of a recognised typing qualification and organisation. If you do require proper certifications and qualification, then we recommend looking for an organisation which has high visibility amongst businesses. As each country would have their own specialist typing school and courses, you can ask your potential employer, career advisor or recruitment agency as to which qualifications are recognised and suitable for the role that you are after.

Most special typing school would require you go through their own typing courses before you can take their tests anyway, which can be an expensive option to take. But if you have been practicing diligently on TopTypingTest, then we can not see why you will not be able to replicate your success on any typing tests. If an employer wants to check your typing qualifications and general abilities, they usually provide their own in-house tests to check your WPM.

Online typing tests are important and has a purpose in providing you a more realistic, pressurised, timed tests. If you are about to take any typing exams, you should take time and practice as much as possible on any of the available practice lessons and tests on the site. The message here is not to be too overly concern with the certificates or qualifications. Just know that as long as you can type and that you can type fast and accurate, you will be in a good position to handle any types of tests you take, as well as be able to apply the skills you have learnt.