0Words per Min (WPM)
0Chars per Min (CPM)
0Total Words
0Total Characters
0Average Word Length
0Keys Errored
0Total Mistakes

Typing Unfamiliar Words

Most of the tutorial lessons and typing practices so far have been focused on typing words which you are familiar with i.e. namely English words. But what if you want to type a in a foreign language? A non-English language like French or German or Swedish. How would you do that? How would you speed up your typing when you encounter a word or character combination which you don't recognise? - Which is usually the case when you encounter a foreign language.

--> These languages usually contains extra sets of characters using diacritical marks such as accents, grave, acutes, circumflex, umlauts, tilde etc. You can find a list of diacritical marks for common languages via the link.

There are a few ways to practice typing non-English languages, one way is to get a foreign layout keyboard with suitable character keys for that language. (You would have to have suitable software and fonts that corresponds and recongnises those character codes installed.) Alternatively, most common software packages have some methods to type or insert foreign characters with the help of modifier keys like (the ALT or CTRL keys or a combination of both).

If you do not have a foreign layout keyboard or want to go through the effort of learning modifier combinations but would like to improve on your overall accuracy independent of language. Then it's best to practice on a language which you are unfamiliar with.

Why Pseudo-Languages?

Pseudo languages are languages which are not real. They have the form and structure of a potentially real-life language but are wholely constructed. For this practical test, you can learn to practice on our psuedo-language, a computer generated language. When we ran our text through Google Translate it came up as Zulu, Kurdish, Portuguese and Polynesian. So we've named this our Indo-European-ish language. The second algorithm came up as Frisian & Chinese but it's more akind to Latin. (If you did run this through Google Translate you would probably get garbage out)

But it is the unfamiliarity of the words that makes this practical test quite challenging and interesting to learn. If you can attain a high level of accuracy and speed on this exercise, then you have probably reached a fairly decent skill level at touch typing. To achieve this kind of fluency means you are now unconsciously typing each character without relying on the familiarity of the word to 'predict' what letters would be next.