0Words per Min (WPM) |
0Chars per Min (CPM) |
0Total Words |
0Total Characters |
0Average Word Length |
0Keys Errored |
0Total Mistakes |
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The typing practice lessons on this page is designed to take you through all the main character keys and finger positons on a typical English/US keyboard. The keys position of certain characters may be different for your keyboard but should be standard for the all the letters A-Z including the Enter, Space, Shifts & Delete key.
If you have not done so, please refer to the finger positions in our Basic Typing Guide. The lessons will be based on this guide.
Each lesson works upon the previous lessons and it is advised that you work in that order.
But because the aim of TopTypingTest is to help you practice as much as possible above all else, there is no fixed format.
You are free to choose whichever sets of keys to learn first at your own speed and time.